Test Test2015-11-05 12:13:23
Test Test, 2015-11-05 12:13:23

How to correctly assign a value to a variable in a Yii controller?

For example, we have this view.php:

<?php if ($this->beginCache('item', array(
    'duration' => Yii::app()->params['cacheDuration'],
    'dependency' => array(
      'class' => 'system.caching.dependencies.CDbCacheDependency',
      'sql' => 'SELECT MAX(update_time) FROM {{items}}'
  ))) { ?>
  <?php $this->widget('AMListView', array(
    'id' => 'items',
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'pager' => array(
      'class' => 'AMLinkPager',
  )); ?>
  <?php $this->endCache(); } ?>

AMLinkPager.php is an overridden class of CLinkPager.php. It has the following structure:
public function run() {
    $this->owner->owner->renderDynamic(array($this, "dynamic")); // Динамический рендер

  public function dynamic() {
    if ($this->owner && $this->owner->owner) {
      $this->owner->owner->param =  'какое-то значение'; // !!!! вот этот параметр не ссетится в базовый контроллер (поведение) $this->owner->owner
                         print_r($this->owner->owner); // Но в дампе есть значение param!

    // Какой-то код
    return $str;

How to correctly assign a parameter to the base controller (behavior) if we have a cacheable block. If you clear the cache, then, logically, everything works only once. Thank you!
Or can you go some other way?

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1 answer(s)
Test Test, 2015-11-05

It turned out that everything is very simple:

$behavior = $this->controller->asa('yourController'); // или $this->getController();
$behavior->param = 'test';

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