Oleg Voitenko2018-04-20 14:13:00
Oleg Voitenko, 2018-04-20 14:13:00

How to correctly access a database in Go using the structure described below?

the second day I can’t figure out how to code correctly.
we have a User Structure, login and password from the front come into it.

type User struct {
  Username string `json:"username"`
  Password string `json:"password"`

I need to get the id of this user from MySQL, I do this:
package ui

import (
  _ "github.com/lib/pq"
  _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"


type User struct {
  Username string `json:"username"`
  Password string `json:"password"`

type db interface {
  SelectUsers() ([]*User, error)

type Model struct {

type myDb struct {
  dbConn *sqlx.DB
  sqlSelectUsers  *sqlx.Stmt
  sqlSelectUser   *sqlx.Rows

func New(db db) *Model {
  return &Model{
    db: db,

func (m *Model) Users() ([]*User, error) {
    return m.SelectUsers()
//*коннект к бд, все работает ок.*//
func InitDb(cfg Config) (*myDb, error) {
  if dbConn, err := sqlx.Connect("mysql", cfg.ConnectString); err != nil {
    return nil, err
  } else {
    p := &myDb{dbConn: dbConn}
    if err := p.dbConn.Ping(); err != nil {
      return nil, err
    if err := p.prepareSqlStatements(); err != nil {
      return nil, err
    return p, nil

func (p *myDb) prepareSqlStatements() (err error) {
if p.sqlSelectUsers, err = p.dbConn.Preparex(
    "SELECT login, pass, id FROM users WHERE login=? AND pass=?",
  ); err != nil {
    return err

func (p *myDb) SelectUsers() ([]*model.User, error) {
  user := make([]*model.User, 0)
  if err := p.sqlSelectUsers.Select(&user); err != nil {
    return nil, err
  return user, nil

usr, err := m.Users()
 js, err := json.Marshal(usr)
        		if err != nil {
        			http.Error(w, "This is an error2", http.StatusBadRequest)

        		fmt.Fprintf(w, string(js))

The code works but removes all users from the database, but it's stressful for me.
So that's the question, how can I extract the user by login, password
The problem is that I can't figure out how to pass the values ​​of the User structure to the function in order to substitute them after WHERE.
I will only be grateful for any kicks, because after the puff, you need to understand this language a little differently.

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1 answer(s)
Papa, 2018-04-20
Stifflera @PapaStifflera

Learn to use search engines and documentation.
Everything is in the examples: https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql/wiki/Examples

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