esy2014-08-13 13:54:14
esy, 2014-08-13 13:54:14

How to convert Action Script 2 link to Action Script 3 link?

Good evening!
I am making flash banners. Used and still use the ActionScript 2 reference programming language.
Recently there was a need for an innovation due to which I had to abandon ActionScript 2 in favor of ActionScript 3.
In connection with this, there was a problem:
In ActionScript 2, this reference was used:
on (release) {
if ( _root.p) {
url = " http://a.weblink.com/c/?p= "+_root.p + (_root.b ? "&b="+_root.b : "") + (_root. refid ? "&refid="+_root.refid : "");
} else {
url = " http://www.refid.com/ "+(_root.refid ? "?refid="+_root.refid : "");
getURL(url, "_blank");
Now I can't use it in ActionScript 3 and it's clear why.
Question: can anyone help me with writing a link for ActionScript 3, that is, converting a link for ActionScript 2 so that it can be inserted into ActionScript 3 and it would not lose its function.
Thank you in advance!

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2014-08-13

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://URL");
navigateToURL(request, "_blank");

Alexander, 2014-12-22

var flashVarsObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
var link:URLRequest = new URLRequest(flashVarsObj.donotchange);
clickBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
if (flashVarsObj.donotchange != undefined) {
navigateToURL(link, '_blank');
{trace('link apcent');}
I used this code for banners.
flashVarsObj.donotchange is just the variable that stores the link to the site.
accordingly, if other variables are passed to you via flashvars, just substitute
flashVarsObj.X - where X is a variable. flashVarsObj - This is like _root in AS2

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