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How to connect yandex map to react component?
Good evening! Dear masters of your craft, tell me how to connect a yandex map to a react application using native JavaScript, that is, not react-yandex-maps?
var myMap, myPlacemark1;
function init() {
myMap = new ymaps.Map('map', {
center: [42.5142065792, 64.2083574],
zoom: 4,
myMap.behaviors.disable(['drag', 'scrollZoom']);
myPlacemark1 = new ymaps.Placemark([52.732, 32.44], {
balloonContentHeader: '<span class="header">Мой дом</span>',
balloonContentBody: 'В этом доме живу Я',
balloonContentFooter: 'вот и мой дом...',
hintContent: 'Мой домик'
<script src="<ваш API-ключ>&lang=ru_RU" type="text/javascript"></script>
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You can use a special component.
import React from 'react';
class Script extends React.Component {
static displayName = 'Script';
static scriptObservers = {};
static loadedScripts = {};
static erroredScripts = {};
static idCount = 0;
scriptLoaderId = `id${this.constructor['idCount']++}`;
componentDidMount() {
const { onError, onLoad, src } = this.props;
if (this.constructor.loadedScripts[src]) {
if (onLoad) onLoad();
if (this.constructor.erroredScripts[src]) {
if (onError) onError();
if (this.constructor.scriptObservers[src]) {
this.constructor.scriptObservers[src][this.scriptLoaderId] = this.props;
this.constructor.scriptObservers[src] = { [this.scriptLoaderId]: this.props };
createScript() {
const { onCreate, src, attributes } = this.props;
const script = document.createElement('script');
if (onCreate) {
if (attributes) {
Object.keys(attributes).forEach(prop => script.setAttribute(prop, attributes[prop]));
script.src = src;
if (!script.hasAttribute('async')) {
script.async = true;
const callObserverFuncAndRemoveObserver = (shouldRemoveObserver) => {
const observers = this.constructor.scriptObservers[src];
Object.keys(observers).forEach((key) => {
if (shouldRemoveObserver(observers[key])) {
delete observers[this.scriptLoaderId];
script.onload = () => {
this.constructor.loadedScripts[src] = true;
callObserverFuncAndRemoveObserver((observer) => {
if (observer.onLoad) observer.onLoad();
return true;
script.onerror = () => {
this.constructor.erroredScripts[src] = true;
callObserverFuncAndRemoveObserver((observer) => {
if (observer.onError) observer.onError();
return true;
componentWillUnmount() {
const { src } = this.props;
const observers = this.constructor.scriptObservers[src];
if (observers) {
delete observers[this.scriptLoaderId];
render() {
return null;
export default Script;
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