sitev_ru2016-08-28 12:15:14
C++ / C#
sitev_ru, 2016-08-28 12:15:14

How to connect two different files with the same name?

I connect two different files, but they have the same names. 1st - my local, which I came up with myself, 2nd - global, apparently from the Windows SDK ... I
connect them like this, it looks a little comical:

#include "anyfile.h"
#include <anyfile.h>

If an approach that will solve this problem?

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3 answer(s)
nirvimel, 2016-08-28

If you don't want it to look comical, don't name project files after standard header files.
But, apart from the comic, technically there should not be any problems with such a naming.

RedHairOnMyHead, 2016-08-28

Change local file name.

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