zugzug2015-09-10 19:37:21
zugzug, 2015-09-10 19:37:21

How to connect to H2/SQLite DB in Play! Framework?

Hello. I'm trying to use persistent storage in the project, as a database - H2 in a file or SQLite. With the following settings:


And also such

And even such

The result is the same:
JPA error

A JPA error occurred (Cannot start a JPA manager without a properly configured database): No datasource configured

At the same time, there is a file, it is an empty db.sqlite file, located along the path:

The database file is empty - 0 bytes. Those. I don't even know how it belongs to one or another DBMS. Do I need to create a file with some structure before doing this? And how is it done?
I did not find similar instructions on how to correctly connect all the same SQLite / H2 database to Play! Framework versions 1.x in a Windows environment.
OS: Windows 7.
JDK: 1.7_079
Play! versions: 1.2.7
Question: what am I doing wrong, and how to connect any of the two databases: sqlite or H2 persistent (file)? Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
Artem, 2015-09-11

One and two . For your version of the play, everything is described in detail and should work. If you still can't find the datasource, then
And if it doesn’t work in this case either (which I doubt very much, since all this worked for me a long time ago), then stack traces to the studio!

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