multifinger2010-09-10 13:20:30
Payment cards
multifinger, 2010-09-10 13:20:30

How to connect payment from the site via Visa/Mastercard?

There is such a wonderful service as robokassa, for example, but a 5% commission is high for some business areas.
Actually the question is: “How can I fasten a payment with VISA/Mastercard so that it goes to the right account as quickly as possible (this is also important)?”
The area for which this is relevant is online payment for travel vouchers

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11 answer(s)
rbkmoney, 2010-09-10

A pile of papers, a month to review, a connection fee, and then be afraid of fraud? Forget!

Ivan GiBSON, 2010-09-10


Dmitry, 2010-09-10

I use e-junkie: it's actually PayPal, but you don't have to do anything yourself. $5 per month fixed price. Just great.

imobz, 2010-09-10


porohnya, 2010-09-10


ainu, 2010-09-12

In a day it will be possible to make a full review of payment acceptance systems.

multifinger, 2015-09-29

As a result, we implemented direct acquiring from the bank, with a large turnover - the only profitable solution, although it is also difficult to call it profitable. The commission varies around 2.5-3%, a very long process of paperwork and their approval and connection. And from the technical side, everything is quite simple. Integration with our store took about two days, taking into account the finalization of the form on the site and the payment page on the bank side.

kmike, 2010-09-10

assist.ru still exists, robokassa is much better for bank cards

Leonid Sopov, 2010-09-11

I set up an interkassa without additional agreements, I withdraw it to webmoney, but it seems like it’s possible to cash, but they will take a percentage (I’m not sure, I haven’t tried it), but people pay with plastic.

Vadim, 2010-09-12

The system is quite flexible and safe

Maxim Kozlov, 2016-05-14

Payment system MAXKASSA .
Now we can offer owners of online stores and websites:
1) Direct agreement with RFI Bank
2) Commission 2.4%
3) Free connection
4) Instant transfer of funds to the current account.
5) Safety and high conversion. The buyer will be automatically redirected to the bank's website and will only enter card details there. Which will certainly reduce the failures in payment.

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