pavel662020-11-16 10:24:02
Remote access
pavel66, 2020-11-16 10:24:02

How to connect multiple UltraVNC users?

There is an old machine with WindowsXPx86 Pro SP3 with a "specific" program.

The task is to organize remote access to several users on the internal network with the ability to increase fonts in this program.


1) First, through RDP, the fonts do not change.
2) I tried "Magnifier" and similar programs, but it's inconvenient. You have to constantly switch between programs.
3) In the program itself there is no way to increase the fonts.
4) I found UltraVNC, I was delighted, but too early ... The program is single-user, when you log in under one user, the second one connects immediately under the second one.
Found TightVNC.

Under user1 I set UltraVNC and assign ports 5900.
Under user2 I put TightVNC and assign ports 5901. I installed
UltraVNC and TightVNC programs in different folders.

When connected under user1 from one workplace, when trying to connect under user2 from another workplace, it transfers to user1.


1) Can I organize the connection of several users in the UltraVNC program?
2) Are there any multi-user remote access programs with the ability to increase desktop fonts?
3) Is there any other way to solve this problem?

Thank you for your responses.

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3 answer(s)
CityCat4, 2020-11-16

1) Is it possible to organize the connection of several users in the UltraVNC program?

No. VNC is a "remote assistant" class program, it always forwards the console (if put on a server), well, on Windows at least. It doesn't seem to work in Linux, but I haven't checked.
There that, so small fonts?

pavel66, 2020-11-16

The fonts are small because the remote monitor of the remote computer is large.
Maybe there are some other options?

Gregory, 2020-11-17

I can help, email me. If you get a solution here, publish it yourself,
and so the first thing that comes to mind is to shove winXP into a virtual machine, make a copy of it, install it on both ultravnc and give each user access to their own copy of the virtual machine. And what is spinning inside is already connected by what that old program can do, a shared folder or sql

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