Junior Development2020-07-26 13:09:29
Junior Development, 2020-07-26 13:09:29

How to connect, configure tunnel in browsersync gulp?

Friends, tell me how to set up / connect tunnel?
The documentation did not help browsersync docs

I throw the entire assembly into the analysis, but only the tunnel is of interest.

const { src, dest, parallel, series, watch } = require('gulp');
const browserSync  = require('browser-sync').create();
const concat       = require('gulp-concat');
const uglify       = require('gulp-uglify-es').default;
const scss         = require('gulp-sass');
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
const cleancss     = require('gulp-clean-css');
const imagemin     = require('gulp-imagemin');
const babel        = require('gulp-babel');
const del          = require('del');

function browsersync() {
        server: { baseDir: 'app/' },
        notify: false,
        online: true, //online
        //open: 'external', //false, local, external, ui, tunnel
        //tunnel: "test-test",
        // "http://test-test.localtunnel.me",
        browser: "chrome",// ["chrome", "firefox"]


/*Style files*/
function styles() {
    return src('app/scss/main.scss')
            overrideBrowserslist: [ 'last 10 versions' ],
            grid: true
            level: { 1: { specialComments: 0 } },
            format: 'beautify'

/*JS files*/
function scripts() {
    return src([
        // 'node_modules/...',
            presets: ['@babel/env'],
            plugins: ["babel-plugin-loop-optimizer"],

function images() {
    return src('app/img/src/**/*')

/*Clearing the img folder*/
function cleanimg() {
    return del('app/img/src/**/*', { force: true });

/*Clearing the dist folder*/
function cleandist() {
    return del('dist/**/*', { force: true });

function buildcopy() {
    return src([
        ], { base: 'app' })

/*File tracking*/
function startwatch() {
    watch('app/scss/**/*.scss', styles);
    watch([ 'app/js/**/*.js', '!app/js/**/*.min.js' ], scripts);
    watch('app/**/*.html').on('change', browserSync.reload);
    watch('app/img/src/**/*', images);

/*Export task*/
exports.browsersync = browsersync;
exports.scripts = scripts;
exports.styles = styles;
exports.images = images;
exports.cleanimg = cleanimg;
exports.cleandist = cleandist;
exports.babel = babel;
exports.build = series(cleandist, styles, scripts, images, buildcopy);
exports.default = parallel(styles, images, cleanimg, scripts, browsersync, startwatch);

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1 answer(s)
Timur Kostenko, 2020-07-27

According to the documentation, there are two connection options. If set to true, some random url is generated, if you pass a string, the url is generated according to this string

// Tunnel the Browsersync server through a random Public URL
// -> http://randomstring23232.localtunnel.me
tunnel: true

// Attempt to use the URL "http://my-private-site.localtunnel.me"
tunnel: "my-private-site"

You just have to update the browsersync function
        server: { baseDir: 'app/' },
        notify: false,
        online: true,
        tunnel: "test", // или true если нужен рандомный туннель
        browser: "chrome",

Run gulp and see in the console what kind of tunnel you have formed

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