Tsiren Naimanov2014-08-21 18:21:53
Tsiren Naimanov, 2014-08-21 18:21:53

How to connect (and manage) a database and a Windows Form in C#?

I have a program. For example, an archive where there are records, dates, and text.
What literature should I read or where can I find information on how to connect winform and sql db.
And also manage, = add, edit, delete, format, sort, etc.
I read articles on MSDN how to connect columns and columns to a DataView and there, etc.
But how to call all this using clicks ( Click method ), and also I read about Linq, but did not catch its essence.

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3 answer(s)
Yuri, 2014-08-21

Troelsen, E. - The C# 2010 Programming Language and the .NET 4 Platform - 2010, Chapter 21-23 .
Nagel K., Ivyen B., Glynn J., Watson K. C# 4.0 and the .NET4 Platform for Professionals - 2011, Chapter 30-31 .

aush, 2014-08-21

I would advise you to understand and work with Entity Framework. It has a lot of information and is easy to use.

Pavel_Develop, 2014-08-21

Even better, find any book on ADO.NET and T-SQL.

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