Nichtiak2019-03-25 21:31:30
Nichtiak, 2019-03-25 21:31:30

How to configure phpStorm to compile several Sass files into one css file, but so that changes in the css file are not replaced, but added ???

I have configured all sac files to be compiled into one style file, but when creating 2 sac files, changes in the style file are replaced and should be added.

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2 answer(s)
KononovD, 2019-03-25

We take, make as many sas files as you need, create 1 more, the main one (main.sass) and import all those sas files into it and include main.css in html

Mikhail, 2019-03-25

As an option, make one css that imports everything.
But in general, there are assemblers for this - webpack and others

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