Maxim Sandakov2020-03-30 12:06:03
Maxim Sandakov, 2020-03-30 12:06:03

How to concatenate every 3 lines in Bash?

Good afternoon
There is a following task. There is a text file with a list of equipment in this format
host_name <hardware identifier in the system>
alias <hardware model>
address <"ip address">

And so it is repeated for each piece of iron. It is necessary to merge every three lines into one, but I'm still just learning bash scripts and I can't figure out how to do this, either somehow in cycles or through sed.
Thank you in advance for your help

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1 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2020-03-30

it will be difficult through sed, since it reads line by line and trims the end of the line itself.
Try this, head-on:

while read; do echo -n "$REPLY";read;echo -n " $REPLY";read;echo -n " $REPLY";echo""; done < имя_файла

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