Eugene2020-10-19 18:03:58
Eugene, 2020-10-19 18:03:58

How to compactly write gates in Laravel?

I use gates to check permissions. If you define each resolution in this way, you get a big function. How to avoid it?

public function boot()

        Gate::define('users_info', function ($admin) {
            if (! $admin->hasPermission('users_info') ) {
                throw new AccessDenyException(ErrorMessages::ACCESS_DENIED, Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN);

            return true;

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2 answer(s)
Egor Chebotarev, 2016-03-23

You can use js
. You have 4 columns, each of which looks like this:

<div class="overflow" style="overflow:hidden; height:800px;">
  <div class="scroll" style="height:100%;">
    <div class="item"></div>

.overflow - div in which the carousel scrolls
.scroll - div in which the photo is contained. Has a height equal to the sum of the height of the photo and the padding. It is advisable to calculate as .item.clientHeight, going through all the photos using for and not forgetting to add indents.
.scroll can be set to position:absolute and change top via js and moving items that have left the screen to the end via replaceChild
Implementation of similar functionality

Sanes, 2020-10-20

There are also ready-made packages. Why this suffering?

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