Konstantin Lobkov2018-09-15 14:00:36
Konstantin Lobkov, 2018-09-15 14:00:36

How to communicate with server, on xamarin application?

Good day!
I am writing an application for android in C # Xamarin.
And I want to send some data to the Mysql database.
Connecting via Mysql connector failed - conflict between xamarin and connector.
I googled HttpClient .net, didn't understand how to work with it, and what I should do to accept data...
Google further learn about Rest api and RestSharp, but still don't understand how, what, why, where...
How to process data on the server? Is it php or js scripts?
And in the end, I have a mess in my head, gentlemen, help me figure it out.

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2 answer(s)
#, 2018-09-15

I google further about Rest api and RestSharp, but I still don’t understand how, what, why, where ...
How to process data on the server? Is it php or js scripts?
these are just complications.
google xamarin Mysql , use
the ps * page translators if needed - maybe someday you will need these technologies. but now look for a simple solution. something like a connector that is compatible with xmarin..
another possible hint - if i'm not mistaken, xamarin is still based on Mono and if so, a query like mono vs Mysql might be even more efficient

VoidVolker, 2018-09-15

In short: just like in any other framework / PL - connect to the server and transfer data.
In a little more detail, then:

  1. To begin with, study what a network is and how it works (OSI network model, network layers, and that's it).
  2. How a network connection is made - client, server, sockets, etc.
  3. Learn what network protocols are and why they are needed at all.
  4. Learn the basic concepts in programming and software development.
  5. Learn HTTP, building an API, what is front-end, back-end, etc.
  6. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

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