Alexander2018-06-24 12:41:29
Alexander, 2018-06-24 12:41:29

How to combine C++ and Python with Cython?

Help build the module.
Here are the files used:

namespace hello {
class HelloUser {
    int message();

#include "HelloUser.h"
#include <windows.h>
using namespace hello;

HelloUser::HelloUser() {

HelloUser::~HelloUser() {

int HelloUser::message() {
  MessageBoxA(NULL, "Hello!", "Сообщение", MB_OK);
    return 0;

cdef extern from "HelloUser.h" namespace "hello":
    cdef cppclass HelloUser:
        HelloUser() except +
        void message()
cdef class PyHelloUser:		
    cdef HelloUser *thisptr
    def __cinit__(self):
        self.thisptr = new HelloUser()
    def __dealloc__(self):
        del self.thisptr
    def message(self):
        return self.thisptr.message()

Here is the error:
C:\Расширения для Python на C++\Импорт классов из C++>python setup.py build_ext
running build_ext
building 'hello_user' extension
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Ox /W3 /
GL /DNDEBUG /MD -IC:\Python36\include -IC:\Python36\include "-IC:\Program Files\
Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\INCLUDE" "-IC:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\inc
lude\10.0.10240.0\ucrt" "-IC:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.1\include\shared" "-I
C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.1\include\um" "-IC:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8
.1\include\winrt" /EHsc /Tphello_user.cpp /Fobuild\temp.win32-3.6\Release\hello_
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Ox /W3 /
GL /DNDEBUG /MD -IC:\Python36\include -IC:\Python36\include "-IC:\Program Files\
Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\INCLUDE" "-IC:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\inc
lude\10.0.10240.0\ucrt" "-IC:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.1\include\shared" "-I
C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.1\include\um" "-IC:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8
.1\include\winrt" /EHsc /TpHelloUser.cpp /Fobuild\temp.win32-3.6\Release\HelloUs
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\BIN\link.exe /nologo /INCREMENT
/LIBPATH:C:\Python36\PCbuild\win32 "/LIBPATH:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual S
tudio 14.0\VC\LIB" "/LIBPATH:C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\10\lib\10.0.10240.0\u
crt\x86" "/LIBPATH:C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.1\lib\winv6.3\um\x86" /EXPORT
:PyInit_hello_user build\temp.win32-3.6\Release\hello_user.obj build\temp.win32-
3.6\Release\HelloUser.obj "/OUT:C:\Расширения для Python на C++\Импорт классов и
з C++\hello_user.cp36-win32.pyd" /IMPLIB:build\temp.win32-3.6\Release\hello_user
   Creating library build\temp.win32-3.6\Release\hello_user.cp36-win32.lib and o
bject build\temp.win32-3.6\Release\hello_user.cp36-win32.exp
HelloUser.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol [email protected]
C:\Расширения для Python на C++\Импорт классов из C++\hello_user.cp36-win32.pyd
: fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
error: command 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\BIN\\link.e
xe' failed with exit status 1120

C:\Расширения для Python на C++\Импорт классов из C++>

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1 answer(s)
Roman, 2018-06-24

#pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib")

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