Ilya bow2016-07-29 14:21:06
System administration
Ilya bow, 2016-07-29 14:21:06

How to clear the C:\Users folder from unnecessary domain profiles (folders)?

So I have:
... and so on.
you need to delete all profile folders except admin.
To make it it is necessary I use gpo.
Tried to delete via PS writes access denied. Through explorer, they wrote they say ntuser.dat is used by the system and therefore figs to you and not deletion.

$users = Get-Content c:\users.txt

$folder = Get-ChildItem c:\Users | Where-Object {$_.mode -like "D*"}

$compare = Compare-Object $users $folder

$compare | foreach-object {Remove-Item -path c:\Users\$($_.inputobject) -recurse -force}

In general, how to delete all user folders except for one (or better several) needed?
PS write that all computers in the domain

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3 answer(s)
res2001, 2016-07-29

It needs to be run with elevated privileges.

Alexey, 2016-07-29

It is better not to do this with your hands; there is equipment for these purposes. User management. Or google How to delete Windows user profile with PowerShell? and get on technet where there is already a solution.
UPD: naturally we do everything from an account with local admin rights at the station.
UPD2: Link from article and code below

 [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:computername,            
Begin {}            
Process {            
    foreach($Computer in $ComputerName) {            
     Write-Verbose "Working on $Computer"            
     if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 1 -ea 0) {            
      $Profiles = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserProfile -Computer $Computer -ea 0            
      foreach ($profile in $profiles) {            
       $objSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($profile.sid)            
       $objuser = $objsid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])            
       $profilename = $objuser.value.split("\")[1]            
       if($profilename -eq $UserName) {            
        $profilefound = $true            
        try {            
         Write-Host "$UserName profile deleted successfully on $Computer"            
        } catch {            
         Write-Host "Failed to delete the profile, $UserName on $Computer"            
      if(!$profilefound) {            
       write-Warning "No profiles found on $Computer with Name $UserName"            
     } else {            
      write-verbose "$Computer Not reachable"            
end {}

An example of using Remove-UserProfile.ps1 -ComputerName PC1, PC2, PC3 -UserName LocalUser2
Rewrite getting profile names for yourself and you're done.

Dmitry Yakovlev, 2016-07-29

I deleted unnecessary profile folders by the local administrator, there were never any problems.

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