Andrew2019-11-25 14:25:04
Andrew, 2019-11-25 14:25:04

How to clean up references and dependencies in Asp Net Core?

There is an Asp Net Core 3 project that has only one library added (Npgsql).
This project, when published, generates 300+ dll libraries, and many of them are clearly not used in the project and it is not clear how they got there (for example, Microsoft.Extensions.*, System.Xml.*)
This is not the case in other Core projects.
I tried to do Optimize References with the removal of unused links (which is built into the resharper) - it did not help.

List of links in the project

List of resulting files

How can I understand where the references to libraries come from and remove them?

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1 answer(s)
Ilya, 2019-11-25

The fact is that the aspnetcore package itself consists of metapackages. This article should clear things up.

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