Madiyar Lacroa2015-10-23 11:39:54
Madiyar Lacroa, 2015-10-23 11:39:54

How to check the site for errors?

You need to check the site for errors and all possible bugs. What are the companies, people who are involved in this whole thing, and how to find them?
Programmers have made a website, but there are no competencies to check it, server errors often occur, buttons do not work, etc.

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3 answer(s)
Mihai, 2015-10-23

The simplest: open the site through the chrome site, press F12 - see errors and warnings, ask the "programmers" what it is. If the “programmers” have gone cold, most likely it will be necessary to do “reengineering”, i.e. rewrite because few people want to poke around in someone else's code that also does not work. In general, a site is different for a site, but if programmers didn’t write it, but amateurs assembled it like a puzzle in a frame work, you need to put the site code into the same frame fork, etc.

Anatoly Dudko, 2015-10-23

A bunch of options - LinkedIn, hh.ru, freelance exchanges and many others

Ivan Palii, 2017-07-11

Much depends on the final product that was required from the programmers.
You can check some technical errors in the free sitechecker.pro
service. And only the product owner can see some nuances.

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