daMage2014-09-11 19:31:58
daMage, 2014-09-11 19:31:58

How to check that there are no compilation errors?

Hello. I use sublime. I wrote my own build system, but it does not take into account that the program may have errors and runs the old version.

errors=$(javac -d debug App.java 2>&1)
if [$errors != ""]
then exit

Swears, they say "syntax error: unexpected end of file". Tell me what I'm doing wrong

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3 answer(s)
jcmvbkbc, 2014-09-12

Swears, they say "syntax error: unexpected end of file". Tell me what I'm doing wrong

You need to add fi to the end of the file to close the if-then:
if [$errors != ""]
then exit

bromzh, 2014-09-11

Just use Maven, Gradle or the like. This is not only a build system, these are tools for full project life cycle management: dependency autoloading, build, packaging, deployment, a bunch of plugins for different needs.
In the sublime for the build, specify the line "maven clean compile run:run" or "maven clean package run:run" , there are many options. Well, or use an IDE, for large projects (especially in java), the sublime is not suitable.

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