Scuba2018-09-12 08:01:46
Scuba, 2018-09-12 08:01:46

How to check if the Instagram app is installed on the phone?

I advertise on my Instagram profile. If a person in the Instagram feed clicks on an ad, he gets into an internal browser in which he is not authorized, therefore, conversions are lost.
Solution: Specify deep links.
For iPhone:
For Android:


But if suddenly a person sees an ad, and he does not have the Instagram application installed on his phone, nothing will happen, in this case, we must redirect him to a regular URL
: ?

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2 answer(s)
profesor08, 2018-09-13

You create iframe, you set the necessary link to it. At the same time, you create an setTimeout, in which you open a regular link if something went wrong. Next, you wait for the download iframe, if it boots, then delete it setTimeout. Thus, if the application is installed, then a link will open in it, if not, it will work setTimeout.

Pavel, 2018-09-12

There is this:
https://github.com/hampusohlsson/browser-deeplink And there are enough
options in Google for android check installed apps

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