The_XXI2021-04-13 16:32:33
The_XXI, 2021-04-13 16:32:33

How to check if a string only consists of certain characters?

I need to do 3 checks:

  1. the string consists only of letters and the following characters: space and hyphen;
  2. the string consists only of a digit and the following characters: plus, minus, opening and
    closing parentheses, space character;
  3. the string must be validated against a valid email.

I've read about regular expressions, but haven't been able to figure them out yet.
How can all this be implemented?

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Roo, 2021-04-13

It can be implemented with regular expressions.
Here you can test them: https://regex101.com/
For example: "1. the string consists only of letters and the following characters: space and hyphen"
Regular: [a-zA-Z\-\s]
Test string: sdlfkj -sdfgklj ifds
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