WasTabon2020-10-19 18:28:43
C++ / C#
WasTabon, 2020-10-19 18:28:43

How to check for the sequence of elements arriving?

Well, for example, there is a word checking mechanic in games where you need to collect words and I need to somehow implement it, like there is an array with letters, but I don’t know how to check which letters and in what order

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1 answer(s)
WasTabon, 2020-10-21

Yeah, I decided how to do it, here is the code, though I haven’t finished the last lines yet

public int inWordCount;
    public int numberInArray = 0;
    public int[] wordsCount;

    public GameObject[] Letters;
    public GameObject[] TakeLetters;

    public bool[] IsLetterActive;

    private void Start()
        for (int i = 0; i < IsLetterActive.Length; i++)
            IsLetterActive[i] = false;

    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
        if (TakeLetters[numberInArray] == null)
            TakeLetters[numberInArray] = col.gameObject;
            while (TakeLetters[numberInArray] != null)
                if (TakeLetters[numberInArray] == null)
                    TakeLetters[numberInArray] = col.gameObject;
        if (numberInArray < Letters.Length)

    private void OnPress(InputValue value)
        if (value.isPressed)
            for (int inNumber = 0; inNumber < wordsCount.Length; inNumber++)
                for (int InLetters = 0; InLetters < TakeLetters.Length; InLetters++)
                    inWordCount = wordsCount[inNumber];
                    while (inWordCount <= 0)
                        if (TakeLetters[InLetters])


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