samperirrrrr2020-12-14 20:06:51
samperirrrrr, 2020-12-14 20:06:51

How to check for the second word in a message?

Hello everyone, I have a question here. How to check for the second word in a message? Here is an example of "casino"
and supposedly if there is no second word in the message, then they will write. "Look" Casino (amount) ""
I tried to do something like this

args = event.object.text.lower().split()
if args[1] is None:
send_msg(id,"Введите казино (сумма)"

But it doesn't work. This is how it is in JS.
if(!args[0]) {
ctx.send('что то вводи')

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1 answer(s)
soremix, 2020-12-14

If you have already broken the text into words, it would be logical to check the length of the list.

if len(args) < 2:
    # ....

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