Orc_Romantic2018-07-19 16:37:04
Orc_Romantic, 2018-07-19 16:37:04

How to change woocommerce info message?

Cheers to all! There was a question about changing the message (notice) of woocommerce, about the missing product when performing a search - "No products were found matching your request." 311d40267200c993f1a955bf10d1ff55.png
The need to change the text itself. Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Denis Yanchevsky, 2018-07-19

To change the translation, you can try the plugins Say what? or Loco Translate .
How to adjust the translation of WordPress, themes or pla...
PS And what phrase do you want to change the message to?

Pychev Anatoly, 2018-07-19

Look in the translation files

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