Tim Nev2021-09-02 08:58:24
Tim Nev, 2021-09-02 08:58:24

How to change the size of the image on the main page?

I did something so that now the images on the main page have become large, and not, as in other posts, they are miniature. The problem is that the quota for the imagify plugin has ended, and now I can’t pay. The question is still why images not converted to webp by the imagify plugin look large on the main page - for example, if you go to the site, you can immediately see it in the first post https://ari.org.ru .

How can this be fixed? I convert online jpg to webp, but the photo is still large on the site. Only if you convert imagify will they become miniature.

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1 answer(s)
Aricus, 2021-09-02

The reason is in the structure. In the first picture, img is added directly, and in the rest - through picture. And width: 100% - in relation to the parent
. You can fix it by adding to the template css:

.wp-post-image {
    max-width: 250px;

Or in some other way, if it will incorrectly affect other pages.

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