Vlad Timofeev2015-11-02 20:27:07
Vlad Timofeev, 2015-11-02 20:27:07

How to catch up with classmates?

Please do not write that I scribbled a bunch of text ... and it would be better if I learned something new during this time, the opinion of people who have gone through all this is important to me ...
Hello everyone, I am a 1st year student abroad as a Software Engineer. It so happened that my school did not give me the knowledge of matan with which everyone here starts the 1st year. (I didn’t give it according to the program, and not because of my laziness). When I came to school on the 1st day, I stupidly redrawn symbols that were incomprehensible to me, which the teacher expressed on the blackboard. But it's okay, for this month I still read books and already understand everything) BUT my classmates who graduated from mat. gymnasiums, always a step-2-3 ahead of me, I sit at lectures on mathematics (analysis + discreet + DIS) and 50% of them I understand absolutely nothing. Studying began on October 1, all this time I went to bed at one or two in the morning and woke up for couples at 6-7 in the morning, after couples I came, ate and sat down to read and look for literature on the material that we studied at the last lecture (not on the which I listened to on the same day).. food, and sleep again after a short walk in the air and a shower at 2 am. I feel like I'm falling further and further behind every day. I am pissed off by the fact that I sat for 5 hours at a lecture and understood at best half, in the rest - 80% remain in a fog. For a whole month, my health has noticeably worsened, I walk like a vegetable and warm-ups in the morning do not bring me into an adequate state. In addition, I begin to be afraid of deterioration of vision. Books + books and articles in the laptop for half a day obviously have a bad effect on vision by night, eyes start to ache and watery.. For a whole month, my health has noticeably worsened, I walk like a vegetable and warm-ups in the morning do not bring me into an adequate state. In addition, I begin to be afraid of deterioration of vision. Books + books and articles in the laptop for half a day obviously have a bad effect on vision by night, eyes begin to ache and watery.. For a whole month, my health has noticeably worsened, I walk like a vegetable and warm-ups in the morning do not bring me into an adequate state. In addition, I begin to be afraid of deterioration of vision. Books + books and articles in the laptop for half a day obviously have a bad effect on vision by night, eyes start to ache and watery..
At the same time, I read to everyone, I try to understand, and not to cram. + to everything in a month I lagged behind my favorite IT areas.
I'm thinking about not going to lectures, but sitting on my own to go through everything at home. But again, I feel that before the exam, I won’t even have time to learn and understand everything. A visit to the university is optional ...
I understand that it cannot continue like this, otherwise ...
Actually the questions:
1. Who ever went to a tutor? Share your "impressions" .. They say he will help me, but I doubt it very much, because. it will take even more time to master the same material.
2. How can I ease the load, is it worth it to spend so much time on this matan, or spit, give up at least somehow and forget? It's funny, people said they say at the age of 18 + studying at a university is the best time in life .. I seem to understand now why these people do not work in their profession ...
3. Leaving the university... I study with a scholarship that will be given for the 1st year regardless of grades... I love the process of building application logic, writing code.... I like to develop, I get a lot of pleasure from it. I love to study, but to study what I am interested in and what I am able to learn, the university has already beaten off my love for mathematics, which I loved so much at school for all 11 years. Maybe while the university "feeds" me at a quiet home, become a pro in my field, in the summer get a permanent place of residence (or citizenship immediately) and go look for a job?
4. Is it worth it to devote yourself to studying? Will the result justify all these efforts and aggravation of the state of health?
5. How can I catch up with the year of study that I did not have? The exam is in about 2 months :(
or maybe all this is in the order of things?....
I am grateful to all those who will help with any answer or advice, for me every word will be important ..

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2 answer(s)
Oxoron, 2015-11-02

Проблема: недостаток времени.
Проблема: ухудшение здоровья. Напрямую вытекает из первой (в данном случае).
Цель: взять знаний по математике по максимуму. (ИТ потом сам догонишь, раз для тебя это проще. Даже полгода это не проблема). Вывод: забиваешь на ИТ-предметы. Изучаешь ровно настолько, чтоб пропустили в следующий семестр. Матан грызешь дальше, в освободившееся от ИТ время спишь. Побольше спрашиваешь у однокурсников, у всех. Один-два смогут обеспечить тебе прорыв, относительный.
На лекции ходить обязательно, но через раз. Наблюдай, что эффективнее. Через месяц будешь знать, ходить или не ходить.
Обязательно высыпаться. Обязательны прогулки. Или велосипед. Или плавание. Упражнения для глаз, раз в час.
То, что не понимаешь половины - это нормально. Большинство не понимает, просто привыкают. Рекомендую почитать книги Дмитрия Письменного. Минимум доказательств, много примеров. Думаю, на контрасте Письменного и классических учебников сможешь что-нибудь понять.
Еще вариант: пытайся понять, зачем доказывают теоремы. Трать на это час в день. Выбираешь лемму\теорему и задаешь себе вопрос: для чего её доказывают? Для какого док-ва она нужна? Для какой задачи?
Еще вариант: готовься не к прошедшим лекциям, а к будущим. То есть, если идешь на лекцию - прочитай её материал предварительно. На лекции ты возможно не успеваешь что-то понять, и буксуешь из-за этого. При предварительной подготовке некоторые вещи будут уже понятны, и сможешь поинтересоваться у лектора о действительно непонятных деталях. Готовься к такому скачку. В пятницу хорошо выспись, в выходные сосредоточься на изучаемом предмете.
Стоит математика усилий, или нет, каждый решает сам. Я не стал математиком, но до сих пор иногда что-нибудь решаю, для души. Год учебы догонишь впахивая в таком же темпе, как описал сейчас (только на пару часов больше отдыхая). Уйти в ИТ можно, но это популярный путь. Я бы посоветовал потерпеть год (учебный).
P.S. Стать профи за год в ИТ - это тоже нелегко.

Vlad Timofeev, 2016-02-21

Thank you all for the answers, I hope in a couple of months I will come here and unsubscribe about the positive successes! and yes, you still need to return to the sport that I dared to quit)
======== #UPDATE ==========
So, today is 02/21/16 and this is the day when I found out all my grades to the last. In general, in my opinion, the grades in real universities are not quite objective and say little about anything, I saw people who wrote off the max. score, but they could not prove the simplest. But still: after writing this post, I stopped going to lectures and exercises, with the exception of English (because attendance was "semi-compulsory"). I taught everything at home (in a hostel), constantly learned topics from classmates, found notes for the last 3 years of my specialty and related subjects in the subjects I needed. I wrote the control tests normally, but I failed the second one in Algebra, because due to circumstances, I had to learn everything 3 days before it, and linear spaces were then an unexplored forest for me. All this time I didn’t even look at programming, only mathematics.
And you know what? I am satisfied. For all the control ones, for my own reasons, I did not specifically write off, although I could. But why? What would then be an oak in front of those who saw your super grades? No thanks. My classes were based solely on understanding the material, and not on cramming. For theor. tests sometimes had to be crammed, I handed them over, but why? I forgot everything after a month, what it gave me if I didn’t understand “how it is inside” .. after that I rediscovered the definitions and spent time understanding them.
ps And I still think that the education system, approved throughout the world, mediocre. Schools should teach understanding, not knowledge. But so far they don’t know how to do this and have to be content with what they have)
Maybe the read was not interesting to someone, but still thanks and good luck.

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