petan4ik2018-10-13 14:33:03
petan4ik, 2018-10-13 14:33:03

How to catch an event in Vue?

Hello, I
have BootstrapVue with its component I want to animate the loading of images. Is it possible to somehow catch the event when the state of the image changes? <b-img-lazy>

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2 answer(s)
0xD34F, 2018-10-13

You can hang a handler on the load event (native, the component itself does not generate events). In the handler, you need to check that e.target.src is correct - because the event occurs twice, the first time when the stub is shown, the second time when the real picture is loaded. Somehow so .

Artem0071, 2018-10-13

Try to read this,
maybe there will be something useful somewhere

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