lena_shevtsova2021-08-30 00:54:40
lena_shevtsova, 2021-08-30 00:54:40

How to call dispatch from a generator function inside an event subscription from firebase?

There are two options for the function.
In this - yield cannot be called where I want

function* subscribeToChatChanges () {
  .on('child_added', (snapshot) => {
    yield put({ type: ADD_CHAT_TO_STORE, payload: {chatId: snapshot.key, value: snapshot.val()} })

And this adds only one entry. Even if you make an array of chats, push chat there and do resolve(chats)
function* subscribeToChatChanges () {
var chat = yield call(() => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

      .on('child_added', (snapshot) => {
        var chat = {id: snapshot.key, name: snapshot.val(), messageList:[]}
  yield put({ type: ADD_CHAT_TO_STORE, payload: chat })

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