Demigodd2019-05-13 11:45:58
Ruby on Rails
Demigodd, 2019-05-13 11:45:58

How to call a model method in Where conditions?

Imagine I need to take.
The number of Authors who write fiction.
There are 3 tables Author, Book, Category.
And there are methods for certain models.

# Model Book
def category_type

# Model Category
def type
  if self.name.present?

How can I write something like this?
# Пример нерабочего запроса.
Author.joins(:book).where("book.category_type":  "Fantastic").count

That is, how to get authors whose related books have a category_type equal to " Fantastic ".

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2 answer(s)
Roman Alekseiev, 2019-05-13

As far as I understand from the links, you can do this:
It is possible to make still through scopes in model.

Boris Korobkov, 2017-04-28

category - public, it can be directly accessed from outside the class.
_related is private, it cannot be directly accessed from outside the class.
You need to refer to the $gallery->image->filePath type, but first show the Gallery model code. Do you have both a property image and a relation image in it? Then there will be confusion.

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