Quelty2019-02-02 19:18:46
Quelty, 2019-02-02 19:18:46

How to call a controller method with a parameter via ActionLink?

I want to display a post via a separate Post function:

public ActionResult Post(Guid postId)
            MagentaEntities context = new MagentaEntities();

            var post = context.Post.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PostId == postId);
            ViewBag.Post = post;

            return View("~/Views/Forum/Post.cshtml");

however, when generating a list of ActionLink posts and then following the link, the Guid is empty.
@foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, string> item in postsToHeaders)
        <div>@Html.ActionLink(item.Value, "Post", new { id = item.Key })</div>

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1 answer(s)
Oleg Susarov, 2019-02-12

The parameter name must match the parameter name in the controller ( postId instead of id )

<div>@Html.ActionLink(item.Value, "Post", new { postId = item.Key })</div>

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