lukoie2015-12-30 16:38:49
lukoie, 2015-12-30 16:38:49

How to calculate the cost of creating a website?

From time to time, the task of developing simple sites arises.
And I'm always confused about how to calculate the cost.
I figured that it is possible for the client to issue a table of costs, where the points are written:
1 domain (the cost of an idea, registration, or indicate that 0 if the domain is ready)
2 development of the structure (or just give the capital and internal layouts - basically this item is for the client I saw that this item has a place to be, and someone should do it)
3 design (there is a ready-made appearance that was poked with a finger, or develop your own from scratch, or ...)
4 layout (on CMS or naked html / php if this is a one-pager)
5 content creation (a task for the customer, or look for a subcontractor)
But how to calculate the prices for such work?
Of course, it's more convenient to just have a standard price, like $100 per site. But in reality, you often have to take into account a lot of additional details. But here's how to do it?
ZYZH plz, do not offer to multiply the time of work by hourly pay. Precisely because it doesn't work that way. Because the cost of creative work differs from the cost of writing code, and a website on WordPress or Laravel also costs differently - as a result, you will again have to have a table for calculating what and how much it cost.
how beautifully and clearly the person came up with the payment:
The algorithm of work is as follows:
2. We pay 100 rubles (for the development of the mini TK itself)
3. You write a full-fledged TOR for 10 kilosigns (after each stage, it indicates the price tag that we will pay AFTER the stage is completed, of course, the cost of each stage did not exceed 500 rubles)
4. We pay 500 rubles (for the development of the most complete TOR)
5. Further, ACCORDING TO YOUR PRICES indicated in the TOR, you hand over the work in stages and we also pay in stages WITHOUT (!) Any advance payments.
This algorithm is safe in terms of scamming for both sides, tk. at each stage of the work, you will receive full payment for the previous stages, and we do not take risks. we don't pay advance.

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6 answer(s)
Andrey Andrievsky, 2015-12-30

I don’t understand those who work without a clear technical specification and an idea of ​​what the client wants.
If there is a clear concept of TK and the ultimate goal of the site's functionality, the question of price is removed by itself. For everything is transparent, as in the palm of your hand.

Denis Ineshin, 2015-12-30

It is obviously a stupid idea to count a site according to such tables. Creates unnecessary bureaucracy and confuses both you and potential customers. You will have to sit down with the client every time and explain your price list to him point by point over and over again.
The normal system is a rough estimate of the cost. You listen to the wishes of the client in any form, roughly estimate the cost. Voice it to the client, bargain.
Another option is to directly learn from the client his budget for the project, compare his wishes with the budget, and bargain for features.
Having received the final price, you distribute the task to your employees. Negotiate money with him. If there is not enough money, then you yourself, without the participation of the client, choose what to save on in order to pay less to specialists and still keep something for yourself.
Of course, some reserve for unforeseen expenses should be included in the amount. If they did not arise, then this is your bonus.

lakegull, 2015-12-30

In my opinion, your question is at the level of creating a business model. In Russia, pricing is built mainly on the basis of purchasing power. This means that the cost of the work is determined during negotiations. If there is no clear TK, then even more so: a specific price can be announced only after all the requirements have been analyzed.
First of all, segment customers according to their typical needs. To do this, make a decomposition of the requirements for each ordered site and unite customers according to similar requirements.
Second: calculate what resources it costs you to create a single item of requirements. Ideally, you should have blanks for each item, which are easily customized for a specific task, are not expensive for you and are done quickly. Usually these blanks are formed in the process of work and they need to be optimized constantly and always.
Third: to determine the approximate cost of work, look at the approximate market prices in each segment. In the ad, do not indicate exact prices, always write "from".
Something like this:
Client in segment A: price from $100
Clint in segment B: price from $200
and so on...
Определив требования клиентов в каждом сегменте вы сможете посчитать каких ресурсов вам стоит эти требования выполнить. Таким образом вам станет ясно от каких клиентов вообще лучше отказаться, ибо не рентабельно. Про демпинг цен забудьте, никогда не нужно соглашаться на условия, которые вам не выгодны.

xmoonlight, 2016-01-18

Есть сайт, где можно посчитать стоимость заполнив анкету по-шагам и получить итоговый бриф на основе ваших ответов: precosts.com
Сайт рассчитан на Заказчиков, которые хотят рассчитать стоимость без глубокого вникания в терминологию: опрос сделан понятным языком.

Андрей Шишкин, 2015-12-31

Поменяйте методологию разработки и не нужны будут ни ТЗ ни прайсы с услугами. Будет только стоимость часа вашей работы.
Сейчас в идеале у вас так: вы составляете ТЗ (зачастую бесплатно), договариваетесь о стоимости проекта, начинаете разработку, сдаете проект, получаете деньги, профит. Но! Зачастую бывает так, как вы сами сказали - заказчик сам не знает чего хочет. И вот вы пишете проект, и в какой-то момент заказчик говорит, 4что он не предусмотрел очень важную для него фичу. Вы понимаете, что малой кровью эту фичу не добавить, что ее нужно было предусмотреть на этапе проектирования системы. Пересчитываете стоимость, озвучиваете ее и прощаетесь, так как стоимость уже была озвучена ранее, бюджет под это дело выделен, а пересматривать его по разным причинам со стороны заказчика никто не хочет/не будет. Или еще хуже - вы написали проект, сдаете его, а заказчик его не принимает и говорит что это вообще не то, что он хотел.
В итеративном подходе, работа делится на спринты, например по 2 недели. В конце спринта вы показываете заказчику то, что сделали и оговариваете, что будете делать в следующем спринте. На протяжении всего проекта заказчик плотно общается с вами и активно в нем участвует, вы не выпадаете из поля зрения. Он видит как растет его проект, добавляются новые фичи. Меньше всякой бумажной бюрократии. Для вас думаю не надо плюсы объяснять )

Нерон Лордов, 2015-12-31

Александр А по-моему дал единственно верный ответ - умножаешь затраченное время на почасовую ставку. Последнюю определить несложно - прикинь, сколько тебе нужно денег в месяц, чтоб "было нормально", и подели на количество рабочих часов в месяце.

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