Kirill2018-03-02 18:05:48
Kirill, 2018-03-02 18:05:48

How to bring knowledge of html and css to the ideal?

I have the knowledge that is necessary to perform any tasks, but still there is a feeling that I do not know everything well enough.
What are the resources to achieve all my knowledge? I want to study all the nuances, and only then go on to improve my knowledge in other technologies (js, jq, php, preprocessors, etc.)

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3 answer(s)
xmoonlight, 2018-03-02

Simple task example:
There are 3 layers, 3 styles, no images, no SVG, no clip-path; fully "rubber" behavior with proportional preservation of all distances.
I can write a number of tasks (with rectangular areas and distances) that need to be done in "pure" CSS.
If you can, you can move on to the next level of learning CSS.

Dima, 2018-03-02
Dolgoter @DDolgy

pass knowledge tests on {name of technology} and then you will know what you know and what you don't. you can also google like - "interview questions for a layout designer" and so you will understand your level of knowledge.

Alex Kizyma, 2018-03-02

A lot of practice, download PSD templates and make up, see new lessons

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