VitonZizu2014-08-17 11:50:50
VitonZizu, 2014-08-17 11:50:50

How to break recognized text into Puma.NET paragraphs?

Tell me how you can structure the recognized text? As an option, I just thought of saving the format in html, and then reading from there, paragraphs are marked there. But this is a terrible solution!
Accordingly, if a recognized text is sent to a regular string, then there is no such thing, it simply wraps all lines in a row \r\n and it turns out that it is impossible to find out in which paragraph this line was!

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1 answer(s)
VitonZizu, 2014-08-18

These features were not found in Puma.Net, but they were found in the tesseractdotnet wrapper!

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