SolidSnake132020-04-22 23:37:52
SolidSnake13, 2020-04-22 23:37:52

How to become popular on Github?

How to increase the popularity of your Github profile and repositories?
As I understand it, Github is not only a version control system, but also a social network for developers. People with popular repositories find jobs more easily.
So how do you get popular there? And what kind of projects do ordinary people need (I mean web applications)?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-04-23

First, the top rated turnips are not web applications, but libraries and frameworks. Popularity on GitHub is popularity among programmers, not ordinary people. Secondly, it is pointless to ask here for the idea of ​​a sought-after project. Either other users do not have such an idea in the same way as you, or they have already implemented it and become popular for you.

Andrey, 2020-04-23

"pump the profile of the instagrammchik" heard. Download github profile ... :)

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