Valentine2014-12-11 19:12:14
Valentine, 2014-12-11 19:12:14

How to become a Magento developer?

I decided to take the path of freelance, I study works on foreign exchanges - there are a lot of works related to Magento. Before that, I had nothing to do with him at all, a question for engine specialists:

  1. What is the entry threshold? How much time will it take approximately to study (I can read in English)?
  2. Since the engine is based on Zend, will it also need to be studied? Worked only with Yii, Kohana.
  3. How long does it usually take to develop a typical project?
  4. What are the rates for a Magento developer?
  5. Do their certificates carry any weight?
  6. Are there any analogues of 1C in the West and does it need to be integrated with accounting systems for each project?
  7. Is it possible to use Magento in Russian realities? What can you say about the Russian assembly?

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4 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2014-12-11

1) Year of active development + certification.
2) yes, you need to know the zend, of course, for five.
3) We develop a large project for 6-12 months.
4) from 5 to 50 bucks per hour.
5) The essence of the certificate is not in weight, but in your knowledge.
6) Often everything is taken into account in Magento and already external systems are integrated with it. And yes, there is a lot to integrate with.
7) Orders are a hundred times less, I will say that the assembly of Fedyuk is evil.
Many orders for just one reason Magento has the most online stores in the world.

Reshat, 2014-12-18

It's strange, it was enough for me to read the dev manual on their website and that's it. Zend I don't know.

Oleg Batishchev, 2014-12-27

1. To quickly "enter" Magento, you need experience in frameworks, other CMS, etc., knowledge/understanding of MVC, Zend, some Zend notations (camelize names). Yes, there are many other little things, but everything is purely individual.
2. Zend is not really needed, just some of its basics and concepts are needed.
3. It all depends on the project, store on the template 1-2 months, large-scale integration 6-12 months.
4. $5-80/h
​​5. The certificate essentially only confirms that you have the knowledge, but how you use it all depends on the developer.
6. Per project need depends on requirement. SalesForce, Quickbooks nothing else comes to mind.
7. Perhaps, but as already mentioned, there are few orders and the solvency of Russian companies leaves much to be desired in the majority, but there are exceptions to the rules.

altima, 2014-12-18

For learning, for starters, you can take online video courses from Magento - Magento University. They are paid, but not very expensive.

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