Vellon2015-10-03 18:25:38
Vellon, 2015-10-03 18:25:38

How to become a great Java EE developer?

I would like to hear advice from senior comrades on what to read, what to study, what experience to strive to get, what needs to be done.
Please leave specific answers to the point. Without suggestions to google, because the question is asked exactly to YOU, based on your experience, and it would be interesting to hear your opinion, unless of course there is something to answer.

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6 answer(s)
Imie, 2015-10-03

You need to be able to google. Everything has long been chewed-chewed.
dou.ua/users/staslozenko/articles For example.

protven, 2015-10-03

1. Become an ordinary java ee developer
2. Gradually increase the degree of steepness.
3. Profit!

Zakharov Alexander, 2015-10-03

You need to join a gang of cool JavaEE developers. Then learn to casually use the cool words "Java virtual machine", "object code", "yes I can build a WAR from the command line", etc. Then put on black glasses. And then you get an invitation from Hollywood. You squeamishly refuse Oracle's offer (well, who will mess with this strange "predictor"? Some crap, they don't make movies). You are cast in the lead role of a JavaEE developer in a movie like "JavaEE Coordinates" where you successfully break the glassfish central server from Oracle's World Evil Corporation using HTTPS protocol vulnerabilities. At the end, a blue-eyed blonde falls in love with you and invites you to her cozy nest with an innocent question - you won’t show how to remotely deploy an application to tomcat? And going into darkness...
Why does a programmer have to be cool??? This is not a movie! Everything is very simple (me, you and the gun) - you, the program, the computer. You will only have to fight with yourself, or rather with your ignorance of something. And this is the curse of the profession in IT. You will always lack knowledge. There is no coolness here. Every day you can face unsolvable tasks at first glance. It's very hard not to give up. And sometimes you will face fundamental questions and find unusual solutions for them. And then you yourself will say to yourself "Yes, I'm COOL."
In my opinion, a programmer is a bit of a scientist. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you watch: Richard Feynman: The Pleasure of Discovery .

FoxInSox, 2015-10-03

1. Write code.

Sergey, 2015-10-03
Protko @Fesor

We read Uncle Bob (Bob Martin), Fowler, Evans... well, we write code in parallel.

CodeArsenal.net, 2015-10-04


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