ShakeR2014-10-30 20:38:21
C++ / C#
ShakeR, 2014-10-30 20:38:21

How to avoid checksum difference during reassembly?

Help, please, to deal with the following problem.
They introduced a version control system, rebuilds and other joys at my work. This, of course, is great and my joy knew no bounds, however, in parallel, they created a group that audits this whole thing. Auditors require that after each rebuild in Jenkins, all release files are accompanied by checksums. This is where I got in trouble, because I'm the only one using .Net.
Actually, the problem is the following: after each rebuild, all release files (dll, exe) change the checksum.
I wrote a small utility that cleans the PE header from the checksum and build date - it helped partially, the differences became smaller.
I found the sources of another small utility that cleans files from MVID.
But how to get rid of the last difference - an entry accompanied by a GUID, which also changes with each build? Found a similar question on stackoverflow , but nothing helpful in the answers there.
The brain no longer knows how to solve the problem. Save me plz.

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2 answer(s)
aush, 2014-10-30

the C# compiler was not designed to be a component of a security system, so don't use it as one

Eric Lippert
In general, the fact that you are trying to "clean" files from differences should automatically make the checksum verification invalid from the point of view of your SB.

Vitaly, 2014-10-31

The sum check is calculated not by "features" but by the composition of the "array of bytes" that the application consists of and will be "different" even if you change 1 byte, this is the meaning of the sum check, that is, to make a "different" application with the "same" check by amount is impossible by definition, unless of course we are talking about MD5 or the like.

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