AmirkhD2015-09-24 22:19:57
AmirkhD, 2015-09-24 22:19:57

How to Autorun Programs from USB on Windows 7?

I would like to make sure that the programs on the flash drive run automatically when inserted into the connector. Unfortunately, it turned out that this feature was disabled for flash drives on all versions of windows above vista (including 7), but the changes did not affect the CD. My question is this - is it possible to split the flash drive in two (as was done in U3) and write an autorun file so that it runs files from the flash drive?

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2 answer(s)
apreobr, 2015-09-24

Here, everything is written here: web.archive.org/web/20120827031725/http://www.squi...

Alexander, 2015-09-25

As an option - The device must also be a keyboard (composite device). and send commands (keystrokes) like "[Win+R]cmd[enter]start C:\megarun.exe[enter]start D:\megarun.exe[enter]start E:\megarun.exe[enter]exit[ enter]"

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