Oleg Ostashov2016-03-28 16:51:02
Oleg Ostashov, 2016-03-28 16:51:02

How to automatically update the site on the server with Github?

Good afternoon!
I have hosting on Gino. How can I make the server automatically check for updates in the Github repository and download it to a specific folder?
And so that some files can be closed from changes, for example, db.php.

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3 answer(s)
littleguga, 2016-03-29

1. Don't forget Gino's hosting, Digital Ocean vps costs $5, not that much money.
2. By switching to VPS, discover the world of CI (continuous integration), if it will be very difficult to deal with CI systems, that is, simple scripts like this or that .
You can try this

Ivan Filatov, 2016-03-28

1. powershell script with git commands
2. scheduler on the server to periodically pull this script.
but in general the site is always updated / spread by handles. good practice.
and you can update components through the admin panel, upload new versions of files.

Andrey Kobyshev, 2016-03-29

Take advantage of this: https://developer.github.com/webhooks/

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