Maxwell1342016-08-15 14:07:23
Maxwell134, 2016-08-15 14:07:23

How to auto-logout a user on WindowsXP?

Good afternoon.
Please tell me how can I make it so that if the user does not act, then he is thrown out of the account (LogOff).
At the moment I have done with Winexit (windows resorce kit) but this only works for one user, and since the computer is connected to the active directory and there are many users, this is not good. Also winexit in case the computer was locked by the user (win + l) the computer can only be used by the one who blocked it or the administrator (without restarting)
Some local policy is needed, because from Windiws servera colleagues say it does not work without some mythical update for XP.

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1 answer(s)
Sergey, 2016-08-15

Windows XP? ARE YOU SERIOUS??????

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