Telmor2021-09-09 21:36:24
Telmor, 2021-09-09 21:36:24

How to assign role by button in discord.py?

I have a command that I call and 5 buttons appear. By clicking on which USERS who want to click on the button and get the role, and if they do it again, they remove it. The question is: how to make an endless button (so that it can be clicked not only by the caller of the command, but also by all other users of the server, but also as many times as you like), how to track exactly who pressed the button (to issue a role).
My code:

async def __giveplayroles__(ctx):
    await ctx.channel.purge(limit = 1)
    msg = await ctx.send(
        emb = discord.Embed(title='Игровые Роли',color=0xE7EEF5, description=f'Нажмите на кнопку что бы получить роль, что бы убрать роль нажмите второй раз.'),
        components = [
            Button(style = ByttonStyle.blue, label = 'Rust'),
            Button(style = ByttonStyle.blue, label = 'Dota 2'),
            Button(style = ByttonStyle.blue, label = 'CS:GO'),
            Button(style = ByttonStyle.blue, label = 'Genshin Impact'),
            #Button(style = ByttonStyle.blue, label = 'Osu!'),
            #Button(style = ByttonStyle.blue, label = 'Minecraft'),
            #Button(style = ByttonStyle.blue, label = 'GTA')
     responce = await bot.wait_for('button_click')
     if responce.component.label == 'Rust':
        role = discord.utils.get(ctx.author.server.roles, id=864796640929251349)
        if not role in ctx.author.roles:
          role = discord.utils.get(ctx.author.guild.roles, id=864796640929251349)
          await member.add_roles(role)

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1 answer(s)
x4zx, 2021-09-09

import discord
from discord import member
from discord.ext import commands
from dislash import InteractionClient, ActionRow, Button, ButtonStyle

intents = discord.Intents.all()
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = "!", intents = intents)

inter_client = InteractionClient(bot)

async def on_ready():
    print(f'Вы вошли как {bot.user}')

async def verif(ctx):

    emb = discord.Embed(
        description = 
        Здраствуйте вы попали на сервер {ctx.guild.name}, пройдите верификацию чтобы получить доступ к другим каналам.
        colour = 0xFF8C00
    emb.set_thumbnail(url = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/772850448892690462/880752123418136596/947d1f802c858b540b84bc3000fc2439_1_-removebg-preview.png')
    emb.set_author(name = 'Верификация')

    row = ActionRow(
            style = ButtonStyle.gray,
            label = 'Верифицироваться',
            custom_id = 'verif_button'
    await ctx.send(embed = emb, components = [row])

async def on_button_click(inter):

    res = 'Вы успешно верифицировались!' # ваш вывод сообщение что человек получил роль
    guild = bot.get_guild(inter.guild.id)

    if inter.component.id == "verif_button":
        verif = guild.get_role(id вашей роли)
        member = inter.author
        await member.add_roles(verif)
        await inter.reply(res, ephemeral = True)

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