wbrapist2017-08-05 21:31:41
wbrapist, 2017-08-05 21:31:41

How to arrange elements with a width of 100% on the same line in a fixed container?

I have a fixed width container with overflow: scroll. It has several blocks with a width of 100%. How to arrange these blocks on the same line?
Tried float: left and display: inline-block - doesn't work, because elements do not fit on one line. I tried flex, which I'm still new to, the first two DIVs don't display correctly. How to solve this problem?
Not working example on flex: https://jsfiddle.net/hnvxf0yc/

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1 answer(s)
iBird Rose, 2017-08-05

remove .wrapper style justify-content: center; ?

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