Doremi7772018-08-07 16:33:55
Doremi777, 2018-08-07 16:33:55

How to add the goal of Yandex Metrics and Google Analytics to the feedback form?

I added goals to the button in the feedback form, but the statistics do not work. What can be wrong?

if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();
<div class="popup popup_feedback new_abonent<?if ($arResult["isFormNote"] == "Y"):?> popup_is-active<?endif;?>">

  <div class="popup__overlay"></div>

  <div class="popup__container container">
    <div class="popup__content">

      <div class="popup__close"></div>

      <?if ($arResult["isFormNote"] == "Y"):?>
        <div class="popup__title">
        <script type="text/javascript">initPopups();</script> 
        <form id="<?=$arResult['arForm']['SID']?>" action="<?=$APPLICATION->GetCurPage()?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <div class="popup__title">
        Форма обратной связи
        <div class="popup__wrapper">
        <div class="popup__wrap">
        <input class="popup__input input input_theme_grey-line input_fio" required="required" type="text" name="form_text_1" placeholder="ФИО*">
        <input class="popup__input input input_theme_grey-line input_phone" required="required" type="text" name="form_text_2" placeholder="Телефон*">
        <input class="popup__input input input_theme_grey-line" type="text" name="form_text_3" placeholder="Email">
        <div class="popup__wrap">
        <input class="popup__input input input_theme_grey-line street" type="text" name="form_text_4" placeholder="Город и улица">
        <input class="popup__input input input_theme_grey-line home" type="text" name="form_text_5" placeholder="дом и квартира">
        <textarea class="popup__textarea textarea textarea_theme_grey-line" name="form_textarea_6" placeholder="Введите ваш комментарий"></textarea> <input type="hidden" name="form_hidden_7" class="selected_hidden_ultra_power"> <input type="hidden" name="form_hidden_8" class="monthly_pay"> <input type="hidden" name="form_hidden_9" class="equipment_pay"> <input type="hidden" name="form_hidden_10" class="final_pay"> <input type="hidden" name="form_hidden_11" class="adress_trtr"> <input type="hidden" name="form_hidden_12" value="<?=SITE_SERVER_NAME.'/'.$APPLICATION->GetCurPage()?>">
        <div class="popup__footer">
        <div class="popup__checkout">
        <div class="input input_checkbox input_theme_green-checkbox">
        <input class="input__source" required="required" type="checkbox" id="checkbox_deflt"> <label class="input__checkbox" for="checkbox_deflt"></label> <label class="input__text" for="checkbox_deflt">
        Я согласен с условиями подключения, а также даю согласие на обработку персональных данных согласно <?if(!empty($arResult['FILE_ID'])):?> <a class="input__text" target="blank" href="<?=$arResult['FILE']?>">Федеральному закону «О персональных данных»</a>
        <?else:?> Федеральному закону «О персональных данных» <?endif;?> </label>
        <button type="submit" id="submit_form_1" name="web_form_apply" ga ('send', 'event', 'goal', 'order');yaCounter******.reachGoal('form_submit');value="Отправить" class="button button_size_medium button_theme_full-green">Отправить</button>


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2 answer(s)
Anton Kravchenko, 2018-08-07

shouldn't ga and YaCounter be inside onsubmit?

Alexander, 2018-08-07
Madzhugin @Suntechnic

What to aim for? On the fact of successful data acquisition?
Just for the fact of sending?
Apparently the result of sending is displayed here:

<?if ($arResult["isFormNote"] == "Y"):?>
        <div class="popup__title">
        <script type="text/javascript">initPopups();</script> 

Means somewhere under this condition also it is necessary. Apparently, the author of the component did one cool thing - the output of errors and the output of a message about successful submission are not separated in any way. So you still need to add a condition there to check for success.
Well, if you do not care about receiving data from the form, but only tracking its submission, then onsubmit.

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