unixwz2017-06-01 17:42:24
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unixwz, 2017-06-01 17:42:24

How to add an audio recording to a public using VK.API?

Hello, how can I add an audio recording to the public using the Vkontakte API? I did not find such methods in the documentation.

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2 answer(s)
jasonOk, 2017-06-01

As of December 2016, the audio API is closed.

Dmitry Maslennikov, 2017-06-07

There seems to be only this possibility and left for audio. Those. since December last year, the method of uploading audio recordings to the user page has remained from the former functionality. See similar methods for publics/groups.
A more hardcore option is Private API (Pirate API))). Here is the reverse of the official application and the design of the polling / loading architecture (with bypassing the captcha, a set of bots, Russian proxies and determining the appropriate timings).

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