Alexander2020-12-18 02:10:37
Alexander, 2020-12-18 02:10:37

How to add a Yandex maps delivery widget to the site?

Hello, how can I add such a map to my website with the ability to select a delivery point?5fdbe523e2443493424735.png

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1 answer(s)
Andrew, 2020-12-18

How to add a Yandex maps delivery widget to the site?

Too general question. Answer: take and do.
Break this problem into smaller ones, this is called decomposition.
Understand how this widget works (Yandex maps has pretty good documentation with examples):
  • How to add data to it (Placemark)
  • What is a balloon and how to dynamically load data into it
  • How to style clusters and what clustering settings are there (in your screenshot, clusters are blue circles with numbers)
  • Get to grips with map events

Next, move on to integrating with Django:
  • Create a map template
  • Initialize it
  • Upload markers (it's better to make a separate route in the API) and display them on the map
  • Write a JS code that will process the label selection and send the selection to the server

I set an approximate direction of thoughts, then I myself.
And ask more precise questions.

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