Sergey Tryapkin2015-06-29 16:08:41
Sergey Tryapkin, 2015-06-29 16:08:41

How to add a unique attribute to a PyQT button?

Good afternoon!
After quite a long time trying to write my own parser for news sites, I had the idea to wrap it all in a shell, and then problems immediately appeared. The crux of the matter is this, there is this code:

class Reader(QWidget):

    def __init__(self):


    def initUI(self):
        grid = QGridLayout()

        positions = [(i,j) for i in range(15) for j in range(1)]

        for position, name, ahref in zip(positions, names, a_href):
            button = QPushButton(name, self)
            open_url = ahref
            button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.initNew(open_url))
            grid.addWidget(button, *position)

        self.move(0, 0)
        self.setWindowTitle('Моя читалка')

In the initUI() function, I create a grid with buttons, the button text is taken from the array (the text of the news list is stored in the array), there is no problem here. Also, a tooltip with a link to this news item is added to each button.
Next, I have written a function that, when the button is clicked, opens QMessageBox (), respectively, with the text of this news:
def initNew(self, args):
        #sender = self.sender()
        msgBox = QMessageBox()
        #url = sender.text()
        url = args
        print (url)
        g = Grab()
        msg = g.doc.select('//div[@class="post-content"]').text()
        ret = msgBox.exec_();

This is where the problems begin. Because in order to find the text of the news, I need a link to this news, I cannot pass a link to this news to the initNew() function. The question is how to send this link?
Unfortunately my knowledge is not enough to figure it out.
I tried the option when I displayed a link to the news in the text of the buttons:
button = QPushButton(ahref, self)
And in the parser function I took the value of the button by sender () (seen in the comment), then everything works. But the idea is to have the text on the button.
Tell me where to dig and what to try!
Thank you!
Getting arrays via Grab:
url = 'http://slon.ru/news'
g = Grab()
slon_url = 'http://slon.ru'
xpath = '//div[@class="news-col"]'
x_news = '//h6'
x_href = '//article[@class="news-line"]/a'

names = []
a_href = []

for news in g.doc.select(xpath):
    for text in news.select(x_news):

for elem in g.xpath_list(x_href):
    a_href.append((slon_url + elem.get('href')))

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2 answer(s)
bobrovskyserg, 2015-06-29

from random import randint
import tkinter

class MineSweeper(object):
    def __init__(self, rows, columns, mines_density):
        self.columns, self.rows, self.minescount = columns, rows, int(mines_density * rows * columns)
        self.window = root = tkinter.Tk()
        self.table = tkinter.Frame(self.window)
        self.btnew = tkinter.Button(self.window, text='New')
        self.btnew.config(command=lambda: self.reset())
        self.squares = []
        for y in range(rows):
            for x in range(columns):
                button = tkinter.Button(self.table, padx=0, pady=0, width=2, height=1, bg='silver')
                button.grid(row=x, column=y, sticky='news')

                def clicked(ax=x, ay=y):
                    def deeper(bx, by):
                        s = self.minesaround[by][bx]
                        if self.state[by][bx] < 0:
                            self.refresh(bx, by, s)
                            if not s:
                                for i, j in self.neighbours(bx, by):
                                    deeper(i, j)

                    if self.state[ay][ax] == -1:
                        if (ax, ay) in self.mines:
                            self.refresh(ax, ay, 9)
                            deeper(ax, ay)


                def right_clicked(widget, ax=x, ay=y):
                    s = self.state[ay][ax]
                    if s < 0:
                        self.refresh(ax, ay, -3 - s)

                button.bind('<Button-3>', right_clicked)
        print(root.winfo_screenwidth(), (root.winfo_screenheight()))
        root.geometry('{:+d}{:+d}'.format((root.winfo_screenwidth() - columns * 70 + 11) // 2,
                                          (root.winfo_screenheight() - rows * 50 + 11) // 2))
        self.state = [[-1] * self.columns for _ in range(self.rows)]

    def neighbours(self, ax, ay):
        for i in range(max(ax - 1, 0), min(ax + 2, self.columns)):
            for j in range(max(ay - 1, 0), min(ay + 2, self.rows)):
                if i != ax or j != ay:
                    yield i, j

    def reset(self):
        self.mines = set()
        while len(self.mines) < self.minescount:
            self.mines.add((randint(0, self.columns - 1), randint(0, self.rows - 1)))
        self.minesaround = [[0] * self.columns for _ in range(self.rows)]
        for x, y in self.mines:
            for i, j in self.neighbours(x, y):
                self.minesaround[j][i] += 1
        for j in range(self.rows):
            for i in range(self.columns):
                self.refresh(i, j, -1)

    def refresh(self, x, y, newstate):
        button = self.squares[y][x]
        if self.state[y][x] != newstate:
            self.state[y][x] = newstate
            text, fg = (('', None), ('1', 'blue'), ('2', 'darkgreen'), ('3', 'red'),
                        ('4', 'darkblue'), ('5', 'darkred'), ('6', 'black'), ('7', 'red'),
                        ('8', 'red'), ('☠', 'red'), ('⚑', 'yellow'), ('', None))[newstate]
            bg = bg, relief = (('white', 'sunken'), ('silver', 'raised'))[newstate < 0]
            button.config(text=text, fg=fg, bg=bg, relief=relief)

MineSweeper(40, 25, 1 / 6).window.mainloop()

Sergey Tryapkin, 2015-06-30

Thank you!
The problem was solved like this:

def initUI(self):
        grid = QGridLayout()

        positions = [(i,j) for i in range(15) for j in range(1)]

        for position, name, ahref in zip(positions, names, a_href):
            button = QPushButton(name, self)
            #button.url = ahref
            button.clicked.connect(partial(self.initNew, ahref))
            grid.addWidget(button, *position)
            #button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.initNew(button.url))
        self.move(0, 0)
        self.setWindowTitle('Моя читалка')

    def initNew(self, args):
        msgBox = QMessageBox()
        #url = (lambda:self.open_url)
        url = args
        print (url)
        g = Grab()
        msg = g.doc.select('//div[@class="post-content"]').text()
        ret = msgBox.exec_();

And about a miracle! Everything worked! :)

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