lukepker2018-02-19 21:52:21
lukepker, 2018-02-19 21:52:21

How to add a number to the center of the chart?

good day, there is a wordpress charts plugin, you need to make it as close as possible 5a8b1c3cadb68196319679.png
while it looks like this 5a8b1c522ecc2355820250.png
shortcode [wp_charts title="mydough" type="doughnut" align="aligncenter" width="210px" margin="5px 20px" data ="157.5,100" colors="#74c4b8,#ffffff"]
The most important question is how to add a number to the center?
if you tell me how to reduce the thickness or round the line, it's also nice
thanks in advance =)

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1 answer(s)
Ainur Valiev, 2018-02-21

look in the plugin code, and customize the styles, html. Not included in the plugin itself.

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