Vlad F2018-02-15 15:49:51
Windows Server
Vlad F, 2018-02-15 15:49:51

How to add a computer to a domain?

I am learning windows server. Decided to start with AD. There was a problem. If on the client PC to register in the network settings in the dns section the ip address of the server address, then the PC is entered into the domain, and if not entered, then the client PC cannot find AD. The question is, is this how it should be, or is there a mistake somewhere?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey, 2018-02-15

uh dude. how does he know where the domain is located?)

AntHTML, 2018-02-16

First study DNS, NetBIOS, LDAP, Kerberos and other protocols on which AD works, then you will understand how it works on the network and not on computers.
It is necessary that the DNS knows where (any necessary) specific domain is located and informs the computer about it, the DNS on the controller knows about it (the AD domain) because the AD installer has registered on it, and if you use some other DNS, then you need to manually enter it make entries about the controllers of the desired domains.

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