Barrakuda742018-09-07 06:49:27
Barrakuda74, 2018-09-07 06:49:27

How to access Yandex mail from PHP without login and password?

Many CRMs integrate mail simply through some third-party application. Take the same amocrm. Those. the application requests permission to read mail from the user's Yandex.account, and accordingly receives them if the user has given them. What is the advantage over the standard login / password - that if the user changes the password, crm'ki will have access to the mail. Please point me to links on how to do this. What are these applications, how are they written and how do you request permission to read mail from them? I google in the direction of all sorts of APIs, but Yandex does not have an API for mail, so something else ...

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2 answer(s)
Barrakuda74, 2018-09-07

All figured out, thanks. Normal oauth application.

Anatoly Kuznetsov, 2018-09-08

I don’t know exactly how it is now, earlier for amosrm it was necessary to set up forwarding of letters to a special mailbox, like [email protected], from there it already takes it out and attaches it to transactions.

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