armadillo-cld2020-07-13 22:40:53
armadillo-cld, 2020-07-13 22:40:53

How to access the parent dialog window element from the child dialog window?

I have a main dialog. Let's name it CAppDlgwith ID - IDD_MAINFORM.
There is also another dialogue. Let's name it CAnotherDlgwith ID - IDD_ANOTHERFORM.
And there is ListBoxwith a variable app_ListBox.
In the main dialog, on clicking the button, I show the second dialog:

void CAppDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()

Next, in the second dialog, on clicking the button, I try to add an element to the ListBoxfirst dialog.
void CAnotherDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
  CAppDlg dlg;
  // Так же пробовал добавить - dlg.DoModal();

But after all that has been done, ListBoxthere is nothing.
Why can't I add the element?

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